Postdoc Richoo Davis (left) and Priya Banerjee, associate professor of physics, work together in a research lab in Fronczak Hall in February 2024. Their research is on fusion proteins hijack a key gene regulator to spur childhood cancer. Photographer: Douglas Levere.

Postdoc Richoo Davis (left) and Priya Banerjee (right), associate professor in the department of physics, join forces in the cutting-edge research lab. Together, they are authors of a new study that unravels the mysteries of how fusion proteins hijack a key gene regulator to spur childhood cancer. Photo: Douglas Levere

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“I admit being a little nervous to take off my eclipse glasses, but when I did, I saw that the whole sky was just lavender.... It was the whole sensory package.”

Scientific American quotes Tracy Gregg, chair of the Department of Geology, about the solar eclipse phenomenon known as the Purkinje effect, which produces a natural shift in color perception caused by fluctuating light levels.

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